16 research outputs found

    A Process Approach to Corporate Coherence

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    We address the notion of 'corporate coherence', recently made prominent by Teece, Rumelt, Dosi and Winter (1994). We argue that the literature is confused on the meaning of the notion (and similar notions) in a number of dimensions. Drawing on insights from market-process theories, we put forward a dynamic understanding of corporate coherence as involving the corporate capacity to strike a favorable balance between the production and the exploitation of new knowledge. This argument is elaborated drawing on Austrian, evolutionary and post- Marshallian economics.Corporate coherence, knowledge, competences

    The Dynamics of the Diversified Corporation and the Role of Central Management of Technology

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    This paper discusses 1) the generic forces that drive the evolution of diversified industrial corporations and their implications for the corporate technology base, 2) the changing role of the central R&D lab in the context of these forces, and 3) the role of management of technology in promoting dynamic coherence in diversified - and highly decentralized - corporations. The line of argument in the paper is illustrated by an indepth case-study of Danfoss, a Danish multi-divisional corporation operating within mechatronical markets.Corporate strategy, diversified corporations, management of technology

    The Dynamics of the Diversified Corporation and the Role of Central Management of Technology

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    This paper discusses 1) the generic forces that drive the evolution of diversified industrial corporations and their implications for the corporate technology base, 2) the changing role of the central R&D lab in the context of these forces, and 3) the role of management of technology in promoting dynamic coherence in diversified - and highly decentralized - corporations. The line of argument in the paper is illustrated by an indepth case-study of Danfoss, a Danish multi-divisional corporation operating within mechatronical markets

    Hvad var det dog der skete?: En dynamisk brancheanalyse af Internetservice

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    Denne artikel præsenterer for det første et mere dynamisk perspektiv på brancheanalyser end det, der typisk ses i Porter-inspirerede brancheanalyser. Der lægges særligt vægt på at forstå søge- og læreprocesserne i en branches tre sub-miljøer, brugermiljøet, virksomhedsmiljøet og forsknings- og teknologimiljøet samt samspillet mellem disse. Artiklen illustrerer dette dynamiske perspektiv i en historisk anlagt analyse af en del af Den ny Økonomis centrale frontsegmenter, Internet-service. Denne sektor omfatter de virksomheder, der specialiserede sig i at udbyde Internet-relaterede serviceydelser til virksomheder og andre professionelle organisationer. Artiklen afsluttes med en kort påpegning af mulighederne for at anvende dynamiske brancheanalyse som strategisk værktøj